What Type of Ductwork is Used in an HVAC Installation Service?

When it comes to HVAC installation services, there are two main types of ductwork that are used: flexible ducts and rigid-type ducts. Both of these ducts have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the type of duct network you should use depends on your HVAC needs.Flexible ducts, also known as flexible ducts, are designed for HVAC applications. They typically consist of a flexible plastic inner lining that is supported by a coil of helical metal wire. An insulating layer of fiberglass covers the duct.

This type of duct is made of a metal wire coil and is covered with a layer of flexible plastic. The flexible air duct also has thermal insulation made of glass wool, but also of other materials such as polyethylene or metallized PET. Flexible ducts usually look like a cube and have no elbows or gaps. Your home will likely have a flexible air duct if you're short on space.Rigid-type ducts are similar to sheet metal ducts, but they have an internal or external fiberglass coating.

These ducts are preferred in commercial buildings and offices, since air ducts lined with fiberglass have the ability to dampen the sound of the air conditioner. Rigid ducts are often more expensive to install because high levels of skill and experience are required to install these types of ducts. Installing or replacing sections of existing ductwork in your home isn't as expensive as installing an entirely new HVAC system.The advantage of flexible ducts is ease of installation and lower costs, but poor installation is a major disadvantage. The type of duct network you should use depends on your HVAC needs and can be determined by an HVAC professional.

It transports the hot or cold air created by an HVAC unit to areas inside a home and is usually installed in attics, basements, or tight spaces.As an expert in the field of HVAC installation services, I can tell you that there are two main types of ductwork that can be used: flexible and rigid-type. Flexible air ducts are made up of a flexible plastic inner lining that is supported by a coil of helical metal wire and covered with an insulating layer of fiberglass. This type of duct is ideal for homes that don't have much space available for installation. On the other hand, rigid-type air ducts are similar to sheet metal ducts but have an internal or external fiberglass coating.

These types of air ducts are preferred in commercial buildings and offices since they can dampen the sound from the air conditioner.When it comes to choosing between flexible and rigid-type air ducts for your HVAC installation service, it's important to consider your needs and budget. Flexible air ducts are easier to install and less expensive than rigid-type air ducts, but they can be prone to poor installation if not done correctly. Rigid-type air ducts require more skill and experience to install but can provide better sound insulation than flexible air ducts. Ultimately, it's best to consult with an HVAC professional who can help you determine which type of air duct is best for your needs.